Army Correspondence Course Program Tests

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Выполнить следующие задания:. Распечатать данный материал и принести на занятие. Прочитать и перевести выделенные слова и выражения. University WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS TO BE REMEMBERED academic year lodgings Applicant comprehensive Science resource bachelor possibility compulsory master correspondence-course students purpose day-course students research diverse thesis dormitory to attend education to carry out entrance exams to found freshmen enrollment to graduate from scholarship to take great pride job market to teach Exercise 1. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and expressions: To live in lodgings and dormitory; diverse subjects; to be founded; to carry out course projects; to write a thesis; compulsory attendance at the lectures; to teach correspondence-course students; to take entrance exams; to carry out research work; higher education; all possibilities; to enter the University; Bachelor of Science; beautiful seafront promenade; natural science; high-tech equipment; high quality modern education, science, scientific, scientist Exercise 2.

For practice in the techniques explained in this manual, the Army Correspondence Course Program offers a course in basic cryptanalysts. See the References Section at the back of this manual for further information. Active Army, USAR, and ARNG: To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-11E, requirements for FM 34-40-2, Basic Cryptanalysts, (Qty rqr block no. 4607) and FM 34-3, Intelligence Analysis (Qty rqr block no, 1119). Headquarters department of the army. Чтобы скачать этот файл зарегистрируйтесь и/или войдите на сайт используя форму сверху. Correspondence - Бесплатный онлайн словарь. 210 000 слов, выражений и переводов, плюс форумы для обсуждения.. Correspondence course - date - enter - letter - voluminous. Русский: корреспонденция - переписка - заочник - заочно - заочный. Synonyms: conformity, equivalence, accord, agreement, similarity, more. Обсуждения на форуме на тему 'correspondence' в заголовках: Не удалось найти 'correspondence' в заголовках. Посетить форум Russian. Помочь WordReference: Задайте вопрос на форуме самостоятельно. Армия США в декабре текущего года планирует начать испытания нового экзоскелета нижних конечностей, который позволит бойцам преодолевать более значительные расстояния и нести на себе больше груза, чем без экзоскелета.

Give English equivalents to the following words and expressions: Первокурсник; студенты-заочники; обязательное посещение; вступительные экзамены; различные цели; образование; поступать в университет; заканчивать университет; испытывать гордость; диплом;; возможность; зачисление; рынок труда; выполнять исследовательскую работу; студенты-очники; учебный год, магистр, бакалавр, источники энергии, оборудование, научный журнал, известный ученый Exercise 3. Arrange the following words into pairs of antonyms: 1. To graduate from 2. Day-course students b.

To fail exams 3. A graduate 4. To pass exams d.

Correspondence-course students 5. Compulsory f.

Unnecessary Exercise 4. Express the following in one word or phrase. 1.A pupil at higher school; 2. A person doing research work; 3. To try to pass entrance exams; 4.The school where students learn such languages as Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese; 5.

The residential place for students; 6. To try but not to have a success at the exam; 7. Student’s salary; 8. A student who combines work and study; 9. A specialist who continues the study after graduating from high school.

( A correspondence student; oriental school; to fail exam; grant; a scholar; a student; a postgraduate student; an examiner; a dormitory; to enter ) Exercise 5. Read and translate the text. Russians take great pride in their schools and want to have best possible education. The FEFU is one of the best possibilities. Far Eastern Federal University is the largest institution of higher education in the Russian Far East. Its history dates back to 1899 - the year the Oriental Institute was established. In 2011, three other leading universities in the region were merged with Far Eastern Federal University: Far Eastern National Technical University(till 1993 it was the Polytechnic Institute named after Kuibyshev V.V.), Pacific State University of Economics and Ussuriisk State Pedagogical Institute.

Nowadays the Far Eastern Federal University Development Program focuses on 6 priority areas: ocean resources, energy resources and energy-conserving technology, nano-systems and nano-materials, transportation and logistics, biomedical technology, and comprehensive coordination with Asia-Pacific countries. There are nine schools in the FEFU: the School of Engineering, the School of Humanities, the School of Natural Sciences, the School of Law, the School of Regional and International Studies, the School of Business and Public Administration and etc.

The students of the University have favourable conditions for study and research. But it is difficult to enter the University. Each faculty has a quota, which means that there is a limit on freshmen enrollment.

The FEFU teaches both full-time and part-time students. Our university has a four-year course of study for day-course students ( Bachelor program), five-year course of study for specialists and a six-year course for Master’s program and correspondence-course students. Students carry out course projects and, finally, write a thesis. The academic year begins in September and ends in July.

Every semester takes exams. After graduating from the University the best students can enter postgraduate courses which last three years. All subjects students study at the University are very interesting and useful.

Usually at the first course they study Higher Mathematics, Physics, foreign language, the History of Russia and Introduction in speciality. Then at the second, third, fourth and fifth courses special subjects are taught. Attendance at the lectures and seminars is compulsory. Many out-of-town students study at the FEFU. Living and studying at Far Eastern Federal University will benefit not only Russian students, but also their peers from abroad.

More than 1,000 students from 22 countries worldwide are already studying at FEFU now. They can live in dormitories or in lodgings. The new campus of Far Eastern Federal University, situated in picturesque Ajax Bay on Russian Island (near Vladivostok), is a unique project that has no comparison in Russia.


The keys to the new campus were officially handed over to the FEFU President during the APEC Summit, held on the FEFU campus in September 2012. The new FEFU campus will have modern educational buildings with high-tech equipment, a student center with a library and multiple-access center, 11 dormitories with comfortable rooms, stadiums, swimming pools, a beautiful seafront promenade, beaches, a yacht club, dining halls and cafes, health centers, an exhibition center and much more. The students’ life in the FEFU is interesting and diverse. Different students, organizations work there, including sports, social and professional ones. There is a University band and a students’ theatre.

A students’ newspaper is also published. Our graduates have found that studying at the University is excellent preparation for today ’s job market. FEFU offers high quality modern education and vast opportunities for the career development of its graduates. Answer the following questions:. When did the history of the FEFU begin?. What is the basic mission of the FEFU?.

In what fields does the FEFU train specialists?. How many schools are there within the FEFU?. What School do you study at?. How can you become a student of the FEFU?.

How long do the students study at the University?. What subjects do students learn at the University?. Is attendance at the lectures and seminars compulsory?. Is students’ life interesting at the FEFU? React to the following statements using “No doubt”, “I doubt”, “On the contrary”, “Sure”, “I hope you are right”, “I agree”.

It is not hard to enter the University. There is no limit on freshmen enrollment. Studying at the FEFU is free of charge. The FEFU has a four-course of study. All subjects students learn at the University are interesting and easy. The University trains specialists in more than 50 specialities. Nowadays official name of the University is Technical University.

Students write a thesis and finally carry out course projects. 9.Unfortunately, there are no postgraduate courses in the FEFU. Translate the following text in English: После окончания школы почти каждый российский школьник старается поступить в университет или институт. Сначала нужно подать заявление, сдать вступительные экзамены. Если вы не провалились на экзаменах, то вы будете зачислены и становитесь первокурсником. Много новых и интересных событий ожидает вас в университете.

Вам придется посещать лекции и семинары, писать курсовые работы, иметь зачетку, улучшать знания, получать стипендию. Вы не должны забывать, что учебный год начинается в сентябре, а заканчивается в июне.

В учебном году два семестра, и в конце каждого семестра студенты сдают экзамены по различным предметам - например: Физика, Информатика, Высшая математика, Иностранный язык. Если вы иногородний студент, вас поселят в общежитие. В свободное время вы можете посещать библиотеки, спортзалы, различные клубы и кружки. Explain in English: An applicant; a freshman; to graduate from; entrance exams; to enter the University; free education; campus; a thesis; enrollment; academic year. Make up dialogues on the following topics:. The History of the FEFU.

Entrance exams (How to become a student). The structure of the FEFU. Studying at the FEFU. Engineering School. Students’ life at the FEFU. Campus Exercise 11.

Перевести и выучить следующие фразы. To be angry.

To be lazy. To be good at. To be interested in. To be on time. To be free. To be responsible for. To be proud of.

To be late. To be afraid of. To be over. To be tired of.

To be sure. To be busy. To be ready. To be glad. To be surprised at.

To be back. To be for. To be against. To be guilty of. To be present.

To be absent. To be satisfied with.